Dang Pham (Phạm Cao Đăng)

Graduate Student
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics
University of Toronto

Hi! I'm currently a graduate student in Astrophysics, working with Professor Hanno Rein on planetary dynamics. Currently, my main research focus is on polluted white dwarfs, specifically in potential reservoirs and mechanisms to deliver them.

I grew up in Vietnam, moved to the US for high school and university. I studied Physics for my undergraduate and (very satisfyingly) minored in Archaeology. I moved to Canada during the pandemic to pursue a PhD in Astrophysics.

I love to share my passion in physics and astronomy through outreach and teaching. When I don't work during unorthodox hours, I usually go down the Wikipedia rabbit hole, dabble in photography, play the piano, and work on other research projects.

Here is my CV.